
Tell me what you are learning in science this week? What is a mixture and solution? How does matter change from a solid, liquid, to a gas?

What do you like best about science?



Aowens said...

I learnd that you can melt a solid to a liquid then boiling it to make a gas.

science said...

Good! Are you ready for a test this week? I am glad this website is working. Have a good weekend. Mrs. Kaufhold

breanna said...

are we have a test

science said...

Breanna, we will have a test on Wednesday. Mrs. Kaufhold

science said...

Jordan is trying to figure this out!

science said...

start studying. Test Friday!!!! Be sure to study all of your vocabulary words.

Jellyfisher said...

Hi!Is it a chemacal when you shake a soda?

Jellyfisher said...

hello its me again!How is taking a bite out of something a chemcal chang?

Jellyfisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
science said...

Hi Nicole! Yes shaking up a soda causes a chemical reaction. The carbon dioxide bubbles escape! When you leave an apple out after you take a bite, it reacts with oxygen in the air. That is why it begins to turn brown. Mrs. Kaufhold

Jellyfisher said...

Thank you!I was not so sure...Can wait till the test!It will be so easy.Im studying real hard I WANT AN A++!!!!Bey

science said...

Nicole, you will do great on the test!

Jellyfisher said...

Hi its me again!
cheak the one with 11 comment

Jellyfisher said...

i have a poll
whats your fav. kind of ice cream

Jellyfisher said...

can we do a mixing exparement??PLEASE!!!!!!Like suger and vinager or mabey even soda and a moon candy(a candy that looks and feals like the moon)

science said...

we did mix vinegar and baking soda. I have never heard of moon candy.

Jellyfisher said...

its a candy that looks and feals like the moon!

Energizer Bunny said...

Can we play around the world in science on wednesday?

Jellyfisher said...


science said...

Who is Dr. Science? Huh let me guess, Ean????

Energizer Bunny said...

What do you know?!

Energizer Bunny said...

Who am I?

Energizer Bunny said...

post a video of energy happening

science said...

I don't know how to do the videos yet.

Jellyfisher said...

Energizer Bunny is.. chase or kelsy

science said...

I think energizer bunny is EAN!!!!

Did I guess right???